Our services Are:

Penetration Testing

Certified Ethical Hackers simulate an actual cyber-attack on your organization by emulating malicious hackers to see how far they can penetrate your network and exploit the findings. Testing includes internal and external networks and provides access to zero day exploits.

Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability Assessments are high-level overviews or snapshots of your corporation’s frontline defense that identifies and quantifies security vulnerabilities. These are designed to identify possible security issues on your external and internal networks, allowing you to understand real threats to your IT security program.

Website Security Assessment

A Website Security Assessment tests the security of your Website by attempting to identify and penetrate password protected areas, access sensitive data via online transactions, etc. We also look for weaknesses that would permit Website defacement, hackers to control operating systems used by the site’s Web server and attackers to embed malicious code.

Wireless Network Audit

Experts identify wireless access points and rogue devices, analyze security configurations, test for vulnerabilities via war driving and other methods to identify security issues. Signal mapping is also performed so you know exactly where someone would be able to access your wireless networks.

Web Application Testing

We test your web applications and web-related interfaces for security issues; giving you insight into where application weaknesses exist as well as how they can open the door to other subsequent attacks.

Secure Code Reviews

Our hackers perform secure code reviews to identify defenseless coding techniques and vulnerabilities that lead to security issues. Our secure code reviews identify as many potential security vulnerabilities as possible before the code is deployed so you can proactively remediate security flaws.

IT Policy Audits

Policy experts analyze your essential controls and procedures for adherence to company policies. This includes risk management practices, internal control systems and compliance with organizational policies concerning information systems related risks and more.

Social Engineering

Social Engineering is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain otherwise secure data by conning an individual into revealing secure information that will be used to attack a network. Our social engineering experts covertly test your security policies and your employees’ adherence to these policies either onsite, remotely or both.

Competitive Intelligence Audits

Do you know what data is publicly available about you and/or your business? Competitive Intelligence locates and identifies public information that threatens the security of your company. This includes identifying security vulnerabilities via email, documents, images and more. By knowing what data is publicly available, you can take steps to better protect yourself.

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Phone Number: 843-764-4749

Mobile Number: 843-442-8483

Email: pronto.hack@gmail.com

2372 North Bend River Road




©Aldin Maxhuni

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